Badlands Movie DVD Packaging
University of Kansas: Project 3
For this project we were to pick one of five movies that were given, watch it, and create sketches based on the icons, setting, and themes we noticed throughout the movie.  In the end we were to have created a DVD package consisting of: a DVD cover, back cover, spine, interior flap, 3 interior panels, a CD cover, and an insert pamphlet.
This was the final DVD package. The red part is the 3 panel interior, the four red icons is the interior flap, the eyes are the cover, and the text page is the back.  The insert pamphlet was put in a pocket on the interior flap side.  Overall I tried to stick with the theme of the eyes and the sketchy feel of them. 
This is the first page of my process book.
DVD packaging

DVD packaging

We were to create an entire DVD package based off of the movie we chose and we could only use 2 colors plus black and tints. The movie that I cho Read More
